MacRo LTD Blog

Top 10 of 2011: MacRo Report’s Most-Read Commercial Real Estate Blog Posts

A look back at our readers’ favorite topics impacting land and commercial real estate in Frederick County, Maryland.

macro-report-top10-2011.1-1We want to wish a Happy New Year and say a big THANK YOU to you, MacRo Report’s loyal readers!

We are celebrating 2011 as MacRo’s first full calendar year of blogging.  (We are also celebrating the fact that our readership for the second half of 2011 grew almost 200% over the same time period in 2010!)

A number of bloggers have picked us up around the globe. We have several thousand loyal readers who subscribe to our Thursday updates via email… and we always looking for more so sign up today!

Growth in readership and traffic from such a variety of channels is a good indicator that MacRo Report is fulfilling its mission: tackling the hottest topics relating to land, commercial real estate, industrial property, apartments and the housing market in Frederick County. We also kept a sharp eye on local government actions that could impact the value of real estate for sale or for lease.

We are kicking off the New Year with a look back at our most popular MacRo Report posts of 2011, as voted by your visits. Topics cover the gamut from political influencers to smart growth policies to consumer behavior–and everything in between. Enjoy!

  1. The Intelligence of Blaine Young. Really?
  2. 5 Largest Commercial Real Estate Deals in Frederick County, Maryland for 2010
  3. An Ill-Lustrious Future for Frederick’s Golden Mile?
  4. The Case of the Unfinished Wall
  5. Proposed Maryland Septic Ban Bill Released
  6. Reading Mr. Hagen’s Tea Leaves
  7. Six Frederick Community Leaders Share Their 2012 Wish Lists
  8. A Moving Experience: The sad truth
  9. 5 Lifestyle Trends That Could Impact Frederick Land Development and Homebuilding
  10. Privatizing Public Services: The Devil lies in the Details

What’s in store for MacRo Report in 2012?

Well, for starters we’ve noticed that visits this year to our site from mobile devices have increased by more than 760%! And that’s just comparing the second half of 2010 with the same time period of 2011.

Keeping up with evolving technology and consumer behavior is a constant challenge for every digital content provider, and we want to do even better.  Watch out in 2012 for changes that update the look and feel of MacRo Report.  Our goal is to make our site easier to read, more engaging, and to develop a richer dialog with MacRo readers.

Also, we want to invite more contributions from guest bloggers who have valuable insight to share on the policies, individuals, and economic factors that influence Frederick County’s commercial real estate and land markets.  If you know someone you want to hear from, please don’t hesitate to contact us—we’ll see what we can do.

What important topics influencing commercial real estate in Frederick County would you like MacRo Report to cover in 2012?  The floor is yours.

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Rocky Mackintosh, President, MacRo, Ltd., a Land and Commercial Real Estate firm based in Frederick, Maryland. He is an appointed member of the Frederick County Charter Board. He also writes for


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