Mayor, Mayor on the Wall, Who’s the Strongest of Them All?
Frederick City’s next mayor needs to bring fiscal order and a commitment to economic development.
Frederick City’s next mayor needs to bring fiscal order and a commitment to economic development.
Playing politics with Land Use and Comprehensive planning often leads to a “farce”
Will real estate property taxes rise as Maryland municipalities struggle to shoulder burdens passed along by state and federal government?
The people of Frederick were part of the process—and that made all the difference.
Thank you to all our MacRo Report Blog readers who helped bring Charter government to our county!
On two key issues next Tuesday, the time has come to say NO to the STATUS QUO in Frederick County, Maryland!
As Election Day draws near, there has been a vocal minority who have used some of the following statements to express opposition ballot Question A – the proposed charter for Frederick County.
This current issue of the MacRo Report is being distributed to more than 15,000 residents and others who are interested in Frederick County, Maryland land and commercial real estate news and information.
Now is the time that the Nay-Sayers of the proposed Charter come out of the woodwork
After a heated, down to the wire primary battle this past spring, the six candidates for the three open seats for the Frederick County Board of Education were set.