Real Estate Values and Frederick County’s Comprehensive Plan – Part 2
This should really be two posts, but since its my blog, I’m giving to you all at once.
This should really be two posts, but since its my blog, I’m giving to you all at once.
Frederick County Planning Commission met this morning to hear from the planning staff regarding a plan to require that minor subdivisions in the AG zone which are contiguous to one another and/or under common ownership be combined by law to constitute a major subdivision.
Over the course of the last couple of weeks three well known community leaders have been given prime editorial space in the Frederick News Post.
Yeah, I know that this is “Yawning” material for many, but I want to close the loop on it … however, seems it has a ways to go yet.
So what is the Maryland “Stormwater Act of 2007” and why should you care?
For those who aren’t following this … it’s a huge deal for land and commercial real estate development projects that have either partial or complete site and improvement plan approvals in the state of Maryland.
You’ve probably read a lot lately about the update to Frederick County’s Comprehensive Plan.
If elected to the board in the fall, Young vows to work with unhappy landowners.