Top 7 Large Lot Land Deals From the Last 24 Months
Some call them small farms, farmettes, or just large building lots; either way, they were hit hard by the real estate crash.
Some call them small farms, farmettes, or just large building lots; either way, they were hit hard by the real estate crash.
Tune in to WFMD on Thursday, February 9, 2012 to debate who REALLY controls the use and zoning of Frederick County real estate!
MacRo, Ltd is starting a new movement: Occupy Commercial Real Estate!
Office condos take the prize for hottest commodity in Frederick, Maryland in 2011!
I guess one can call it “Straight Jacket Approval” in that once approved, public charter school start ups have to enter the cold cruel world of real estate.
REITS took the biggest prizes, but where will Frederick’s multi-family market go from here?
Another Shepherd for Lake Linganore, and Real Estate purchases for CarMax and the Social Security Administration.
Another Shepherd for Lake Linganore, and Real Estate purchases for CarMax and the Social Security Administration Many thanks to Wayne Six of Six and Associates for helping us comb through virtually every real estate transaction in Frederick County during 2011 to develop our “top deals” lists. Six and Associates specializes in residential and commercial real estate...
Warehouse sales were strong in 2011 for Frederick County, a trend that is expected to rise in 2012. This year’s top industrial/warehouse sales totaled $40 million, a big jump from $12 million for the top seven transactions of 2010. We covered the top two industrial property sales of 2011 in our 5 Largest Commercial Real...
We’re headed in the right direction: this year’s Top 5 blows the big deals of 2010 out of the water! Ah, 2011, we hardly knew ye. You came and went in a flash, failing to deliver the economic recovery and real estate rebound that we all hoped for. Instead, you brought an economic meltdown of...